Thursday, 24 October 2013

MyProtein USA

For any of you living in the US: MyProtein just launched stateside!

They have some great products available (and most are a fraction of what you normally pay for high- end protein goods).

Be sure to have a look here!

Have any of you tried MyP before? What's your favourite product? 

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Butternut Squash

One of my favourite things about autumn is the abundance of gourds! Not only are they high in a number of healthy vitamins and minerals (including phytonutrients and antioxidants). Butternut squash in particular is an excellent addition to any cold weather meal. True to name, butter-y smooth and rich in flavour: butternut squash creates excellent soups, or can be eaten on its own. According to research, the benefits of this vegetable also contain significant amounts of potassium, vitamin B6, beta-carotene, vitamin C, and folate (all which contribute to overall health).

In addition to being an excellent way to meet your 5-a-day, butternut squash is generally found in any supermarket AND is generally quite inexpensive. It also can be stretched in terms of cooking – definitely a budget friendly food. These squash tend to stay fresh for quite a while as well; just make sure you don’t store them in the fridge, as they won’t keep as well.

I normally bake butternut squash with a bit of olive oil, and spices (cumin, chilli, salt) and like to bake it with whole cloves of garlic as it adds a bit of flavour. 

This particular squash recipe illustrates how to make butternut squash as a simple side dish (or main depending on your appetite). I’ve included a few garlic cloves in the cooking process, but that’s entirely optional! This was baked at 200C for 30-40 minutes (until you can poke a fork through easily). This is also quite nice with a bit of feta cheese sprinkled on top as well.

Here’s a how-to in photo form below:
